Monday, January 24, 2011

#1 - It's not just our first's our way of life

This is a very typical blog, but what sets everything apart from the generic blog writers (I'm not sure I enjoy the word "blog" to begin with) is the fact that two well established 20+ year old upstanding gentlemen are writing about what they know. Whether you agree with what we say (or if it even makes sense to you weak-minded people) you will listen to what we have to say, because we will take over your mind and make our thoughts your thoughts. Right now you are questioning whether this is even possible, the fact of the matter is that it actually is possible. You will find yourself checking this piece of shit blog everyday wondering what in the hell we will say next...or better yet, what we won't say, because it is safe to say that we will have more important things to do than make your day better with our thoughts and opinions.

Much Love,

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