Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jay Cutler....what a loser

I know a lot of articles have already been written about how HUGE a pansy Jay Cutler is...and I am here to echo this as well. Mr. Cutler...you are playing by far and away the biggest game in your professional career...you are playing to get into the damn SUPERBOWL! Now what do you do in this game? You go 6-14 for a solid 80 yards and 1 interception...a great line to begin with. On top of your stellar performance, you leave the game in the 3rd quarter because of an apparent knee injury. Now I am not a professional athlete as many of you could imagine, but if you have the stability to stand on the sideline as well as ride a bike on the sideline, then you can finish the game and help your team get to the Superbowl. I have no problem with some of the other players around the league taking jabs at Cutler for being a "quitter" as Maurice Jones Drew put it. You were convinced you tore your MCL, now while that sounds scary, the fact of the matter is, that after a MRI, it only revealed a Grade 2 MCL Sprain. So, you leave the game and rock solid Todd Collins comes in for two snaps and pretty much tries to throw interceptions to the Packers...job well done Todd, now go sit back on the bench. Next in line is virtually unknown Caleb Haine...where the hell did this guy come from?? Colorado State?? Regardless, this kid played lights out for a 3rd string QB leading the team for two TD drives. I will admit that he had a huge costly mistake throwing a pick-6 to B.J. Raji, but other than that, you could not ask for more out of this kid. Now I will give Cutler a slight pass here, because I did not know the rule that if a 3rd string QB comes in, then your 1st string QB cannot come back into the game. Either way, if you are a Bears fan you have to have sheer disgust in your heart for Cutler for giving up on your team. I personally had a difficult time watching the NFC Championship to begin with because I have such a hatred for both the Bears and Packers because they are in the Lions division, but also for the obvious fact that I have never seen the Lions make the NFC Championship.

Click Here for a link to the twitter posts about Jay Cutler by players, analysts and former players.

BUT HERE IS TO YOU JAY CUTLER....congratulations on letting your team, fans and an entire city down.

Much Love,


  1. Regardless, he is still a pansy. I've seen players deal with that and still finish games. If his knee was broken or a complete tear of the MCL then I could understand. But you are playing for a shot at the Superbowl...I just can't defend him after watching him moving around on the sidelines.

  2. if disgust describes that feeling you get when you don't know if you're going to diarrhea or throw up, then I was disgusted beyond belief.

  3. As of matter of fact Brian, that is the exact feeling of disgust. I watched Matt "Glass Joe" Stafford finish a game last year with a torn shoulder that he couldn't even move and throw the winning touchdown for them. Just a shame what Cutler did to you and all Bear fans. I bet Bruce was not pleased one bit with his effort...I wish I was a fly on the wall for that one.
