Monday, January 24, 2011

Greatest Youtube Video of All-Time

This is possible to all-time greatest youtube video I have ever seen...I hope this brings back some memories for some people and if you haven't seen it, then I hope you are as entertained as I was in college.

Much Love,


  1. very funny video. almost as funny as the fact that two of your followers are "craig" and "craig and darren" You are two of the coolest shmoobags a guy could know, so I've gotta be honest here and say that I love having something new to read everyday and most importantly from you.

  2. haha, nice catch Brian. The video is funny, but I'm pretty sure its from a sketch comedy show, oh well.

    Also, I think I am more excited about the arguments that are going to proceed at the bars because of this, than actually reading this thing.

  3. I appreciate it Brian and Greg.

    As for the video, I do know it's from a sketch comedy, but regardless, it is still one of the best videos especially if you didn't know that.

  4. man i was really hoping that was real. i do feel a little better about myself after knowing that considering i watched it about 15 times in a row the first time i saw it and laughed till i cried.

  5. The first time I watch that video in college, I had complete loss of face functions I was laughing so hard. I did find out some years later that it is a sketch-comedy show overseas. But nonetheless, everytime I watch it, I can't help but laugh to myself.
