Friday, February 18, 2011

The Debate To Come.....Justin Bieber

Yes, that is right. Skinned Lion will debate Justin Bieber in next weeks showdown.  Stay tuned...


  1. i really don't see where there is debate. the viewpoints on Bieber seem pretty cut & dry with little debate. Unless, of course, you want to get into things like, is "he" really a "she"? Or, is that a whig? Or, when will Bieber die? Will Bieber kill a hooker? Will Bieber lick a toad and freak out? Those are the kinds of debate questions i expect goddamnit! GFY

  2. the age old jealousy debate. I think it's fascinating that an overwhelming majority of guys hate him without any legitimate reason. What exactly do they hate about him? His success? People on both sides of the equation are sheep. They love him and scream over him because of hysteria. And they loathe the very idea of him in spite of the hysteria.
    It will make an interesting debate, because hopefully it will draw some of your girl 'followers' to speak up.
    I for one, am looking forward to it.

  3. Well keep your shoes laces tied up tight b/c it's gonna be quite a ride over this. There is a legitimate debate, I for one can't stand the kid..I think he is like every other tennie pop kid that will flame out after he reaches his mid twenties, but I could be wrong.
