Thursday, February 3, 2011

National Signing Day....What Does It Really Mean?

I know a lot of people around where I am from absolutely love National Signing Day and turn it into almost a holiday celebrated by SEC fans all over.  I admit, I did more than my fair share of investigating the scene and finding out what the scoop was on some of the top players around the country and where they might end up, but I am not really even a college football fan per say...I don't have a team I passionately root for like Tennessee or Alabama (shout out to my older brother).  In the grand scheme of things, the majority of these players want to one day make it to the NFL and play in a Super Bowl.  Now I understand for certain fans, National Signing Day is like NFL Draft Day for college fans, but I just don't understand all the hype surrounding it.  There was a great article written on Yahoo Sports about players that are on the Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers (who are obviously in the Super Bowl) and what colleges they went to.  It states that 41 out of the 106 players on the rosters attended conferences outside the 6 BCS conferences.  Of the 41 players, 15 attended the MAC of all conferences and the only conference that had more players was the SEC and it had 18.  I know a lot of you won't like this article because you could care a less about the NFL, but it just goes to show that National Signing Day doesn't really mean much in the big picture, if college recruiters can miss out on that many players that were good enough to play for Kent State or Miami of Ohio, but not good enough for Florida or Auburn....what does it really mean?  I guess it all just depends on what part of the sport you enjoy about football.  I am not here to say the NFL is better than College Football, but if you are a college fan, you are putting a lot of stock in an unproven 18 year old kid to help your team one day....when someone down the road from somewhere like Arkansas State just recruited a player that will end up playing in a Super Bowl.  Take it for what it's worth...

Much Love,


  1. The NFL is without question superior in many different ways. Less bullshit, well-organized, level playing field, no Lee Corso or Kurt Herbstreit. The whole "purity" of the sport argument is also bs. College football is no more pure than a run-of-the-mill sorority cock-hobbit. High school football is far superior to College if the "pureness" topic is breached. Agreed NFL >>>> College.
