Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises - Updated News

The new Batman movie titled The Dark Knight Rises has had some recent developments with its cast and characters and I just wanted to share it with everyone.

Much Love,

Anne Hathaway will play the new Catwoman (a.k.a. Selina Kyle)

Tom Hardy will play Bane

Joesph Gordan-Levitt
(casted and rumored to play The Riddler, Hush, Dr. Hugo Strange, Deadshot, or Harvey Bullock)


  1. I read somewhere that the Riddler wasn't going to be part of this one.

  2. That is why I said it was rumored...the only thing that is definite is that Joesph Gordan-Levitt has been cast in the movie, his character hasn't been identified yet...only rumored to be The Riddler.

  3. ah i see, i didn't know he had be definitely cast. interesting...
