Friday, February 4, 2011

Greatest Shirts in Baseball Ever

I just stumbled across this today and wanted to share it with everyone. Unfortunately not every team is represented with these Nike shirts, but nevertheless, they are awesome and I want to own them all. You can go to the Nike website and purchase them for only $20, but it appears they only have a few left right now.

Much Love,

From top left "Rollie Finger" "Ozzie Smith" "Reggie Jackson" and "Randy Johnson

Keith Hernandez 

Mike Schmidt

Goose Gossage

Ferguson Jenkins

Kirk Gibson

Jeff Bagwell

Kirby Puckett not Johan Santana

Don Mattingly

Ozzie Guillen


  1. gotta say, Jeff Bagwell is my favorite

  2. They are so damn badass....I love the Randy Johnson mullet one. The blonde flowing locks are excellent...not to mention that stache.

  3. These are awesome... I was hoping for a John Kurk circa 1993.
